Monday, July 19, 2010

Antique Fair - Candlestick Park

Everybody from San Francisco and the Peninsula- Rejoice!  The much anticipated Antique Fair has finally arrived at the Candlestick Park!!

After years of trekking to Alameda to find treasures, many of the vendors that have booths at the monthly Alameda Fair will be at the Candlestick Park every third Sunday of the month.

I got up bright and early on Sunday and brought a wad of cash and a long list of THINGS I NEED with me.  Here are some great finds I would love to share with you.   

Found this circa 1930s brass chandelier from Spain- perfect for the master bedroom redesign. 

A marble and alabaster lamp

A pair of small table lamps

An 1890s watercolor of London

An 1870s French lithograph

I spotted a pair of this French bombe chest.  I really really wanted them but my wallet was cleaned out.  If you are interested, let me know.  I have the vendor's business card.

I must say, I was pleasantly surprised and very happy I came home with a car full of treasure trove.  You must go to the next event which is on August 15th.  The pricing beats any retail store prices.  Just remember, bring plenty of cash, newspaper to wrap your purchases and a small cart if you have one.  You'd never know what you would go home with!

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