Monday, July 26, 2010

Chandelier is up!

I need to announce to the world:  My husband is the MOST AMAZING, PATIENT, LOVING human being EVER!!

Instead of spending the nice weekend out and about, I decided we should hang up the beautiful chandelier I nabbed at the Antique Faire last week.  After years of watching HGTV, I feel reasonably educated in electrical work (NOT).  I armed myself with instruction printouts from and various magazine cutouts and we are ready to install the chandelier.

Not so easy!!!  FYI, hanging a heavy chandelier requires you to brace the junction box to a ceiling joist. Drilling a brace to a joist through a mere 4 inch wide hole further complicated the work.  Two trips to The Home Depot, three trips to The Ace Hardware and $ 100 in various tools and supplies later, we finally got the brace installed.  Just installing the brace took a day and a half.  It's always fun when the instructions are mostly in Spanish with a few English words sprinkled here and there.  The electrical connection was surprisingly easy.  The hanging of the chandelier wasn't too bad; though I did get quite a bit of workout holding a 50 lb fixture over my head while my husband connected the wires.  To make sure proper credit is given, when I say we, I mean my wonderful husband did all the hard work; I "supervised".

But all the hard work paid off.  We now have a rudimentary understanding of the electrical system and we have a beautiful chandelier hanging the master bedroom.

All in a day's (weekend) work:

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